In the Ionian hinterland nestled in the north-eastern side of the Aspromonte, falling within the territory of the Aspromonte National Park and at the foot of the “prache” mountain, crowned by oaks and the silvery green of the olive trees, stands Antonimina. The name of the village seems to have the origin in the greek words Antos and Nemos that is to say Blooming/ Flowery Grove.
Located at 327 m above sea level, it is known above all for its thermal waters, known since ancient times with the name of “Acque Sante Locresi“. Legend has it that the sources of these waters, before the earthquake of 1783, flowed in Aspromonte, near the Zomaro, as evidenced by the ruins of some walls called, in fact, “Muredi di Bagni“.
The origins of Antonimina are uncertain. It seems to have been founded in the 15th century by some shepherds who settled in the center of the town in a place called “Terrata”, which means sheepfold. The presence of Greek settlements cannot be excluded, given the sites present dating back to that period and also due to the proximity to Locri.

Micu Pelli
This is how the poet Micu Pelle describes this treasure::
“…ndavi nu trisoru veramenti da imbidiari, nu veru ovu d’oru, ndavi i vagni minerali. Nc’esti l’acqua suffariana, di la Purga e di la Mirza, a ogni passu nc’è na vina, vi lu giuru è na ricchizza...”.
Thanks to this abbundance of water, Antonimina can be attributed the nickname of "Land of Waters". On the right of the inhabited center stands, as an eternal guardian, impetuous and solitary, Mount San Pietro, also known as Tre Pizzi, due to its three-pointed shape, one of the most beautiful rock formation in the Aspromonte National Park. At the foot of Mount San Pietro, there are still the ruins of a convent of the Hermit Friars built around the 12th century. In this place, in the days when the feast in honor of St. Peter was held, it was a destination for pilgrims and merchants from all over Locride, also attracted by the fair of livestock and handicrafts.